Criteria For End Point Assessment (EPA)
Please read the following carefully:
1. Course Assessment
Assessment of all learning outcomes for this training will involve the following:
3 x online examinations (quizzes):
Modules 2: Health and Safety in the funeral business exam
Modules 3: Microbiology and infection control exam
Modules 5: Human anatomy exam
6 x portfolio assignments (multiple tasks contained within each):
The EPA portfolio will require the collection of varied work based evidence pieces contained within the specific module assignment - the 6 module assignments together make up the portfolio:
Module 1 / Assignment 1: Sensitive communication
Module 2 / Assignment 2: Health and Safety within the funeral business
Module 3 / Assignment 3: Manual handling of the deceased and infection control
Module 4 / Assignment 4: Mortuary practice
Module 5 / Assignment 5: Care and preparation of the deceased
Module 6 / Assignment 6: Preparing for and conducting visitation of the deceased
Note: actual assignment tasks may vary from the reference copies above. Please use copies contained with the cohort password protected areas.
Portfolio evidence criteria:
All portfolio evidence pieces must be objective (i.e. based on facts) and varied so as to include the following 3 types of objective evidence types:
- Work based evidence pieces
All work based evidence pieces must be countersigned by the candidates work based mentor.
All evidence must be put into context (i.e. what is the piece of evidence and what is it demonstrating).
It is perfectly acceptable for evidence to be annotated (including comments from mentors or follow up questions).
2. Confidential, identifiable and sensitive information
You must ensure that there is no deceased / family identifiable information in any of your portfolio evidence pieces - this also includes sensitive identifiable information to external organisations.
North Tees Centre will not routinely be checking your evidence for confidential and/or sensitive information nor take responsibility for data breaches. You must assume that 3rd parties are able to view any information within your portfolio - remember some portfolios will be transported through the postal system. If this portfolio was lost or the packaging broke open during transit would you be happy that no identifiable information was present?
Use of photographs is discouraged unless of specific areas within the organisation - again ensuring no identifiable / sensitive information and permission has been sought from your line manager. Please also note:
Please use a redacting pen to blank out confidential information
You may also photocopy blanked out information so that it is not identifiable.
Use of correction fluid or tape is not permitted.
3. When your assignments are completed
By Post: You may post completed assignments to the address below – candidates may post one or more completed assignments at a time.
Electronically: Alternatively, candidates may scan completed assignments and then send them electronically using the upload box contained within the candidate’s password protected area.
APT Training Support Secretary
University Hospital of North Tees
Hardwick Road
TS19 8PE
Portfolio criteria: Ensure all evidence pieces are signed when requested instructed within the assignment. Failure to meet the portfolio evidence criteria will result in the deferral of the portfolio for assessment until the criteria are met or supplementary evidence has been provided to the North Tees Centre.
Retention of portfolios: Submitted portfolio work may be subject to internal audit, therefore it is requested that all candidates keep local copies of portfolios for a minimum of 12 months. The North Tees Centre will keep copies of all submitted portfolio work on file at the Centre for 12 months, after which they will be deleted.
4. Successful training completion
Certificates will only be awarded once the EPA portfolio has been assessed and passed AND all examinations passed.